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Pack 459
Uniform Inspection

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Cub Scout Uniform Inspection Sheet
Webelo Scout Uniform Inspection Sheet

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Uniform Inspection

Posted on Thu, Dec 11, 2014

Scout & Leader uniforms will be inspected on December 16, 2014.

Uniform inspection will take place at the December Pack meeting scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, 2015.

  • The uniform of all Scouts and Leaders will be inspected.
  • The neckerchief should be worn UNDER the collar.
  • The official cap/hat and belt are part of the uniform.
  • Official pants and socks are not required.

Please see the attached Uniform Inspection Sheets. There are two:

  1. Tiger Cub, Wolf Cub Scout,and Bear Cub Scout
  2. Webelos Scout

No need to bring a copy of the uniform inspection sheet.

Looking forward to seeing our sharp and neatly dressed Scouts.

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